🍒Yummy Cherry🍒: The birth of an Idea

🍒Yummy Cherry NFT🍒
2 min readDec 6, 2022

Chapter 1: Choosing a Layout and Creating Emotions

Each of our 2222 🍒 has a unique style, head shape, clothing, attribute and most importantly an emotion.
To do this, we have a whole team of artists inspired by our idea

Our team was very inspired by the old Disney cartoons and we decided to take as a basis the style of their faces and the emotions that we made in a modern style.

Each of our layouts has been handcrafted from pencil sketches to achieve the best possible result.

Chapter 2: Preparing for Сoloring

After sketching, our team strokes each drawing to prepare it for coloring.

In fact, this is a very quivering process that takes about 2 hours for each 🍒, since the most important thing is to preserve and convey the same atmosphere but only in a neat way.

Chapter 3: Final Result

At the very end, we begin the hardest process of giving color to our work.

Each color of the 🍒 head is unique and has its own shade, although sometimes it cannot be seen by the human eye.

We try to observe the perfect combination of colors in every smallest detail so that each of our works attracts attention and pleases our community, and most importantly, so that we can be proud of it

With love, 🍒Yummy Cherry🍒

We are a collection of 2222 unique staking cherries for your own $YC token
Join us!

🔗Official Links:

Discord: https://discord.gg/yummycherry
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YummyCherryNFT

🍒See you in our next Articles!🍒

